Our Partner Orchards

We Love Our Cider Apple Growers!

Our growers mean the world to us. We work with the same growers year after year in long term partnership and grow over thirty-five varieties of apples biodynamically (naturally organically) in our own Eden Orchards, under the watchful care of our orchardist, Lydia Pendergast. Together, as neighbors, we cope with what mother nature provides in the way of weather and help each other to ensure quality fruit and quality ciders.

When you buy our ciders, you are supporting all of us and our working landscape.


Explore Our Ciders

Windfall Orchard

Orchardist Brad Koehler is also a celebrated chef. His attentive care of his antique orchard in Cornwall, Vermont results in the beautifully balanced Windfall Orchard Ice Cider collaboration. Brad’s apples are also featured in our Eden Harvest Cider (in a can), which has been praised by Florence Fabricant in The New York Times. Talent runs in Brad’s family: His wife, Amy Trubek, is the author of Taste of Place: A Cultural Journey into Terroir, a book that explores the concept of terroir beyond wine and into cuisine and culture more broadly.
Windfall Orchard
Cornwall, VT

Yates Family Orchard

Orchardist Jessika Yates is transforming an antique apple orchard from the 1930s in Hinesburg, Vermont into a true cider apple orchard, by top-grafting culinary fruit trees with cider apple varieties. You’ll find her Northern Spy apples in our Best in Class Award-Winning Northern Spy Ice Cider (sold out but returning in late 2020!). When her apple trees are sleeping during the deep of the winter, Jessika is a ski instructor in the mountains nearby; her energy is unending!
Yates Family Orchard
Hinesburg, VT

Scott Farm

Scott Farm is an historic, eco-certified, Certified B Corp, Landmark Trust property orchard in the mountains of Southern Vermont along the Connecticut River Valley. We got our start with Scott farms heirloom apple varieties back in the fall of 2007, taking thirty different kinds back to our first pressing to taste and try. From that beautiful array came our Best in Class Award-Winning Heirloom Blend Ice Cider.
Scott Farm Orchard
Dummerston, VT

Verger Heath Orchard

Ugly apples led us to 6-acre Verger Heath Orchard in Quebec. After a hailstorm in 2015 brutalized their Canadian eco-certified crop, we reached out to see how we could help. (Blemished fruit doesn’t meet the cosmetic standards of green grocers, but cider sees through all that, to the beauty within.) Third-generation farmers Chris Rollings and Lynn Heath provide us with compelling antique St. Lawrence apple varieties, as well as Kerr and Dolgo crabapples.
Verger Heath Orchard
Stanstead, Quebec

Poverty Lane Orchards

Orchardist Steve Wood and his partner Louisa Spencer were among the first in the US to grow English-style cider apples, redolent with the complex aromas that a true heritage cider requires. Together Steve and Louisa have encouraged and supported generations of American cidermakers, including our founder, Eleanor. Most recently, you’ll find Poverty Lane’s bittersweets in our flagship Brut Nature Sparkling Cider
Poverty Lane Orchards
Lebanon, NH

Sunrise Orchard

The Hodges’ founded Sunrise Orchard in Cornwall, Vermont in 1974, bringing with them a knowledge of growing apples from their home state of Virginia, and planting the high-density, wholesale apple farm on which they raised their three children. Today their son Barney oversees the operation and works alongside his wife, Christiana. Together they oversee the growth and distribution of the apples produced on their eco-certified 60,000 tree orchard. We’re particularly partial to the Honeycrisp that they supply to us for our Honeycrisp Ice Cider, which has won a Good Food Award, and the Chairman’s Award for Best Dessert Cider in the 2016 Dan Berger Cider Competition. A beautiful cider begins with a beautiful apple.
Sunrise Orchards Cornwall, Vermont

Cobble Knoll Orchard

Rick Bartholomew had a dream of starting an orchard on his family’s hillside farmland. In 2015 the first trees were planted, mostly cider and cooking apples. Since then, new trees have been added and now the orchard has over 30 varieties of eating, cooking and cider apples. The Bartholomews strive to produce a variety of top quality fruit while keeping the land open and in active agricultural use.